14in1 Digital OLED Multi Gauge Display v2.6
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We are extremely proud to present the JRP 14in1 OLED gauge v2.6, which connects to our multi gauge base pack v2.6. After enormous success since we released the v2 in 2018, then the v2.5 in 2021, we now have tens of thousands of vehicles running these gauges and have almost grown a cult following because of our integrity around fundamentals such as, reliability, accuracy, and an extremely well-priced all in one automotive gauge solution. Along the way we have added innovative features to the systems that a lot of other gauge manufacturers miss, the 14in1 has always had sophisticated warnings, high quality sensors, and features that you just don’t find on a lot of other auto gauges in the market. With the latest v2.6, we have brought more to the table, taken features to another level once again, and we are confident that customers are going to notice the JRP difference even more with this latest release.
The JRP 14in1 gauges are a compact digital OLED gauge that can display up to 6 different readouts on the one screen at once, and a total of 14 readouts overall can be selected and displayed on the gauge. These little yet powerful gauges aren’t just a display for all your readouts, they have an incredibly advanced warning system to setup warnings for the most important readouts on your vehicle, have shift lights, data logging on the gauge itself, peak recording of all the inputs, these gauges are more like a little computer than the standard gauge.
Most performance car owners, or 4x4 owners require anywhere from 3 to 6 gauges in their vehicles above what the factory provides to monitor engine vitals that really matter the most. This is where these little 14in1 digital multi gauges really shine, these compact but powerful little gauges enable the user to keep a close eye on almost every single important system of your performance or 4WD vehicle in one gauge.
Apart from aesthetics, the 14in1 v2.6 has some great new features that will appeal to anyone that really wants to make sure their engine is safely monitored from even the most basic of levels, to some seriously advanced levels with warnings and readouts that very few gauges in the world provide. We know there is a lot of information on this page to digest, but if you are looking for the ultimate all in one gauge solution for your pride and joy, be it a full blown track car, a performance street car, to a fully built offroad 4x4 diesel, or even just your weekender Diesel to escape the chaos of day to day life, you are looking at the right gauge. We have put almost 8-yerars into the development of these systems, and we have taken on customer feedback along with our own engineers here making sure these gauges can do what other gauges just don’t.
These latest v2.6 models come with some amazing new addon options which will further enhance engine protection if you so wish to purchase & utilize them. We have three new addon packs for the 14in1 v2.6, the first being Head Guard, and the second being Head Guard Ultra, and the third being an Auxiliary triggering package for thermo fans. While these are separate addons that not everyone will need, they are something we are incredibly proud off. In short, the Head Guard addon pack will enable these systems to add a Low Coolant sensor & alarm to the gauge. And the Head Guard Ultra addon pack, this has the low coolant sensor & alarm, but also comes with a water pressure sensor which can monitor the pressure in your radiator system and sound a high alarm if pressures exceed normal parameters. The Auxiliary addon pack adds the ability to trigger up to 3x relays based off temperatures that the gauge reads and then can trigger relays based off those temps. We also have the good old Spartan 3 wideband kits as well, which can add air fuel ratios to the gauges as well, we really have a great range of addons that customers can select to add the features not everyone needs, but we have them there for those that do.
Another addition to the 14in1 v2.6 is a Diesel rich warning for the AFR readout on the gauge, we also go into more detail below about this new feature. As far as we know, we are the first gauge company in the world to offer this type of warning on a standalone product outside of an aftermarket ECU which a lot of Diesels aren’t even able to run. It’s just another innovation we here at JRP have incorporated into these latest v2.6 models, and again something we are very excited about.
If you are looking for a standalone all in one automotive gauge solution, with advanced warnings & features, you are looking at the right page, the JRP 14in1 v2.6 digital OLED gauge, combined with our multi gauge base pack v2.6, and if required, our Head Guard Standard or Ultra offerings, this is without a doubt one of the best automotive gauge solutions in the world today, from price, to quality, accuracy, innovative features, this could very well be the last gauge you ever need.
Supports 6 Simultaneous Readouts
Readout Style & Size Configurable
OLED Display - Polarized Sunglass Friendly
Bright & Easy To Read Display
Multiple Advanced Warnings Configurable
Warnings Trigger Even If Not On Screen
Selectable Readouts In C/F PSI/KPA Kph/Mph
Ability To Daisy Chain Multiple Screens
Data Logging On The Screen Itself
Configurable Shift Lights
Readouts: Boost, EGT, Oil & Water Temp
Readouts: AFR, Lambda, Trans Temp, IAT
Readouts: Fuel, Oil, Water Pressure
Readouts: Speed, RPM, Dual Volts, Low Coolant
14in1 OLED v2.6 Screen Display
Mounting Bracket Kit
Link Cable - Included If 2nd Screen
(Base Pack With Sensors Sold Separately)
Below are links to our pages of optional addons you can use with our 14in1 systems, everything from our Head Guard which adds a low coolant sensor & alarm, to Head Guard Ultra, which adds low coolant & water pressure sensors & alarms, to our range of wideband kits which will enable air fuel ratios to display, and we even have a thermo fan triggering kit with relay. Any questions about the addons please reach out to our tech team and they will be happy to assist. Note EGT sensors are added from the Multi Gauge Base Pack v2.6 page directly, take note of the options box near the add to cart button.
Requires Multi Gauge Base Pack
The JRP 14in1 gauges require being connected to our Multi Gauge Base Pack v2.6, you will need to purchase a base pack along with this screen, the base pack comes with a range of sensors & the control unit itself as standard, and then you also have the option to select from a range of addon packs that can expand the functionality of the systems with further sensors & readouts if required.
Please take a look at our base pack page to learn more about these systems, in a lot of cases most people will only require the 14in1 screen itself and a base pack only, but some people would like to take advantage of the fact you can add a low coolant sensor, wideband kit to add air fuel ratio or an EGT sensor as examples, and we have a range of different options to expand these systems to enable a bunch of different readouts that could be very handy depending on your requirements. We have almost all bases covered for anything you could possibly want to monitor with these systems.
If you have any questions about which items you might need to order to build the correct system for your personal build, please contact our amazing tech support team and they will be only too happy to guide you on what you need to add to cart to build the gauge system that suits your engine and needs.
Multi Gauge Base Pack v2.6 - Control Unit & Sensors
OBD2 Readouts Supported
Another big feature added with the release of our v2.5 systems was OBD2 support, you are still required to buy the multi gauge base pack v2.5 to use along with this gauge, as the OBD2 cable we sell connects to the Control Unit from the base pack and NOT this screen, but by installing this gauge with our multi gauge base pack v2.5 and connecting the OBD2 cable we sell separately to the Control Unit that comes with the base pack, you can now power the whole system and obtain some readouts from the vehicles OBD2 port right onto this little gauge without the need to hardwire in things like Speed & RPM, and some other readouts from the OBD2 port will display on this screen without the need to install the sensors as well.
These systems are really still designed to be standalone systems and the OBD2 support is there to compliment & simplify the install process only, and also allow customers to obtain certain readouts like Speed & RPM on these gauges without having to hardwire those back to the Control Unit. With saying that some customers will be able to obtain readouts like water temp for example from the OBDii port and so don’t have to install the water temp sensor from the base pack.
What readouts you can obtain from the OBD2 ports that can display on these gauges will depend on the vehicle, but in most cases Speed & RPM are a given, as is water temp in most cases. Again the OBD2 support added on these systems is more about a simplified install process, getting the two most tricky readouts that would normally require hardwiring being Speed & RPM, the OBD2 support is not designed to completely replace the need for installing sensors, as most vehicles OBD2 ports won’t report things like Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, Fuel Pressure for example and so that is when you would install the sensors included with the multi gauge base pack v2.5 for the readouts not being reported by the OBD2 port to get those missing readouts on the screen. Using the OBD2 install cable with the Control Unit supplies power for the system, then for example Speed, RPM, Water Temp readouts are obtained from the OBD2 port, then you would install the sensors you can’t get readings off from the OBD2 port like Oil Temp, Oil Pressure, EGT, Fuel pressure etc. Any questions on the OBD2 side of things, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help.
OLED Screen
These multi gauges are using an OLED screen rather than LCD, this has a few advantages, one of them being they are very bright and clear to read, they also offer a much better off angle viewing than LCD, which gives you more options for placement of the screen. One of the most important aspects of a gauge is being able to read it clearly in all conditions, this is where the OLED display shines over LCD, excuse the pun. You don’t have to work around the poor viewing angles of LCD, or their weaker self-illumination, these OLED screens are bright, clear to read and can be easily read even if you have the gauge on an off angle from your line of sight.
Of course being that they are a very bright gauge, they also have a 3-state automatic brightness adjustment, there is a built in light sensor on the gauge so it can reduce or increase the brightness for you. There is also a 5-stage manual brightness adjustment if you wish to go that way.
Customisable Displays
The JRP 14in1 OLED gauge has four selectable screens that you can switch between with each having a different layout of the sensors and readouts displaying on each selectable screen, two of these four screens are completely customizable, as in which sensors or readouts you want displayed on the screen and where, the size & style of the readouts as well. You can see from the screen cell breakdown charts below the different options for sizing & styling of the readouts, along with which sensors are supported by the different size & style options.
Another feature of these 14in1 gauges multi is the ability to configure KPH, MPH, PSI, KPA, Celsius, and Fahrenheit independently. So it’s possible to setup the system so it uses KPH, Celsius & PSI for pressure readings. A lot of us Australian’s like our pressure readings in PSI and not KPA, so this can be done without a problem, no need to try and learn KPA if you are used to PSI.
Cell Size A – Standard
When the cell is set to size A, you can switch between the below readouts on that cell.
Oil Pressure | Fuel Pressure |
Boost | Wideband AFR |
Wideband Lambda | Volts #1 |
Volts #2 | EGT |
Water Temp | Oil Temp |
IAT | Differential Pressure |
Speed | Transmission Temp |
Cell Size B – Extended
When the cell is set to size B, you can switch between the below readouts on that cell.
Tacho Digital | Tacho Bar |
Oil Pressure | Fuel Pressure |
Boost | Wideband AFR |
Wideband Lambda | Volts #1 |
Volts #2 | EGT |
Water Temp | Oil Temp |
IAT | Differential Pressure |
Speed | Transmission Temp |
Cell Size C - Chart
When the cell is set to size C, you can switch between the below readouts on that cell.
Water Temp | Oil Temp |
IAT | Trans Temp |
Another great feature of our multi gauge systems is the ability to daisy chain more than one of our JRP 14in1 displays to the control unit. So it’s possible to have right up to 7 of the gauges connected to each other at once. While 7 gauges would be complete overkill, we have found some customers have definitely made use of connecting 2 or 3 gauges up to these systems at once as they are using more than 6 readouts at once and would like to see more than one gauge can display.
The JRP 14in1 gauges when using all the display cells available to their maximum can display 6 readouts from your inputs or sensors, but it’s also possible to make the first two readouts take up 2-cells and with doing that will give you a larger readout on the display for viewing purposes, but when you do this the amount of readouts on the display goes from 6 to 4. So this is where running multiple 14in1 displays comes in. Some people will have more than 6 readouts they would like to see, so while using the smallest readout display and running two gauges it will allow for a total of 12 readouts to display across two gauges. Or, if the customer would like to use the larger readouts, running two gauges means they can have a total of 8 readouts displayed across the two gauges, and 4 of those readouts will be much larger than normal. Some of our product photos on this page show the larger readouts that we mention in this section, and the customisable displays section above runs over the different layouts and sizes you can choose from.
Low Coolant Sensor Alarm
The 14in1 v2.6 comes with the option of purchasing an addon pack called Head Guard, and what this pack does is adds an engine low coolant level sensor to the gauge system, which is able to detect when a low coolant condition in your radiator system occurs, and then sound an alarm the moment there has been a loss of coolant, be it minor or major. If for whatever reason your coolant level drops below normal operating levels, the gauge will alert you with a low coolant alarm. This feature alone, there are systems that cost $200 or more for just this single function, and we have added this addon to the 14in1 at a fraction of this. Check our Head Guard page or more information on this addon pack.
Water Pressure & Low Coolant Alarms
Another addon pack for the 14in1 v2.6 which customers can choose to purchase is the Head Guard Ultra pack, and this takes protecting your coolant system and your engine to the highest level possible. This pack consists of the low coolant sensor & alarm, but also comes with a water pressure sensor which enables a high-pressure alarm as well, when both are installed into the radiator system alongside the water temp sensor, it gives the ultimate level of engine protection.
This is the absolute pinnacle of monitoring and protecting your engine from any kind of troubles or issues with the coolant system and is without a doubt the most comprehensive solution of its kind in the world on a single gauge system. We do not believe any other gauge company has done what we have here with the Head Guard Ultra addon package, check its page for more information if this could be a pack you wish to use on your build.
Thermo Fan Control 3x Aux Trigger
Another addon pack for the 14in1 v2.6 is Thermo Fan Control, these systems now have the ability to trigger external relays based off temperatures read by the gauge, to control thermo fans, or other innovative concepts that require a temperature reading to enable the triggering of external relays. If you visit our Thermo Fan addon pack page, you can learn more about how this pack could be useful for your project.
The most basic use for this is of course controlling thermo fans based off water temps, or oil / transmission temps, but you can even use IAT as a trigger for the relays and there is so many possibilities for how this little feature and addon could be used, imagination is the only limit for this one, and we are excited to have this function and feature added to the 14in1 v2.6 systems.
Petrol Wideband Display Supported
For those wanting a complete solution and don’t currently have a wideband setup in their car and would like to also monitor their air fuel ratios on these 14in1 gauges, we are proud resellers of 14point7 wideband products and we sell their Spartan 3 Lite wideband controller kits which are compatible with these systems and can be connected directly into the control unit which comes with the multi gauge base pack, and then the wideband signal from the Spartan 3 Lite is sent to this gauge so you can also use this system as your wideband display for air fuel ratios as well. The gauges can display 10 to 20 AFR or 0.68 to 1.36 Lambda for petrol applications when a compatible wideband like the Spartan 3 Lite is connected, you can take advantage of the wideband lean out warning which we explain further below, and the advantages of using Lambda as opposed to AFR for alternative fuels like e85, methanol etc. For a little more information on the wideband connection side of things, checkout the multi gauge base pack’s page where we talk more about the specifics of using a wideband with these gauge systems.
Below we have a link you can click on which will take you to our Spartan 3 Lite compatible wideband kit, this would be the wideband kit to order if you are running unleaded, e85, methanol fuels and are looking at getting Air Fuel Ratio or Lambda to display on the 14in1 screen. They are one of the best wideband kits available in the world today and at a terrific price.
Since releasing our v2 models in 2018, we have gained a huge following from the off-road, on-road 4x4 community, we put a lot of time & effort into the v2 models to cater for the 4WD crowd, and that has made many happy customers over the years. But many times we had been asked by our 4x4 customers if they could connect a wideband up to our kits to read air fuel ratios for Diesels which you could not with the v2 models. The issue with Diesels is that the AFR range required for diesel tuning is different to that of petrol, the standard AFR range for petrol is 10-20 AFR and this range was just too narrow for diesel tuning. So when we were working on the v2.5 models, we have done two things, one was program the gauges to be able to display an AFR range that was suitable for diesel tuning which is 10 to 40 AFR, and second was work with our good friends over at 14Point7 to create a diesel wideband controller that would be able to be bought and run in parallel with our multi gauge system to provide a wideband kit that could be run into our gauge systems that could provide an AFR range suitable for diesel tuning.
These Spartan 3D Lite Diesel wideband controller kits are now on our website for sale, pop over to their page to have a read about what makes these such a great Diesel wideband solution to use with these systems. The Spartan 3D Lite Diesel wideband is the product you would order along with this gauge & the base pack if wanting to monitor air fuel ratios on Diesel motors and have them display right up on the 14in1 screen.
Make sure not to confuse the Spartan 3D Lite diesel wideband with the standard Spartan 3 Lite, as the Spartan 3 Lite is meant for petrol applications and not Diesel, so once again the wideband you would grab if wanting the 10 to 40 AFR range for Diesels would be the Spartan 3D Lite diesel. We have linked below to the correct page so you can check them out.
Lambda Or AFR Selectable Readout
Another feature that was added in this latest revision is now the ability to select between AFR or Lambda readouts for the Wideband input. The version before had just AFR readings of 10-20 which is the range used for petrol, now while you can still use this on fuels like e85, ethanol etc, it’s not the working range people are used to when dealing with fuels other than pump petrol. It’s now possible to switch the gauge to displaying 0.68 to 1.36 Lambda readings which is the wideband controller’s native reading before it’s converted to AFR on gauges.
This now means if you are running e85, methanol, and ethanol fuels that you can use Lambda to gauge your fuel mixture. Some tuners and customers actually prefer using Lambda even for pump petrol, so this should appeal to a wide range of customers having Lambda as a display option for the wideband readout. The Spartan 2 widebands we sell have a Lambda range of 0.68 to 1.36 and is wide enough of a range for most alternative fuels except for Diesel.
Just like firmware v1.2 where there was a wideband lean out warning added, this function will also work with Lambda, so you can setup the highest Lambda reading you would like before a warning is triggered while under a certain level of boost or WOT on an NA setup.
Air Intake Temperature Readout
With the edition of an IAT sensor to the v2 control unit & sensor package, this has now given the ability for these gauges to display and monitor air intake temperatures. This is an important thing to keep an eye on with turbo & supercharged vehicles so you can monitor their air intake temps after their intercooler. Almost all aftermarket ECU’s use these sensors as they can play a pretty decent role in how the tune is setup, if your temps get very high in most cases the ECU will have a curve that pulls timing if they get too hot to avoid detonation from excessive intake temperatures.
Now not everyone has an aftermarket ECU on their cars, but they are running turbo or supercharged and having a readout that can show you your air intake temps can be a very handy thing. You can assess if your intercooler is up to its job, or if out on the track really pushing it you can see when it might be a good time to back off. Same goes for the 4x4 guys, being able to see intake temps is a very handy thing to have.
Now even if you do have an aftermarket ECU, while the ECU will be taking the readings from its own sensor into account, in most cases unless you have some kind of dash display setup reading from the ECU, you won’t get to see what IAT are doing, installing the second sensor from this kit will give you a visual display of temps that you can monitor as well as the ECU doing its thing.
Just like all the other sensors and readouts on these gauges, you can setup a warning system that if your intake temps start getting too hot the gauge will alert you. We feel the addition of this sensor and readout was a big step towards making these kits such a complete engine monitoring system.
Independent Dual Volts Readouts
Another edition to the v2 control unit was a dedicated second volts input, this now allows these gauges to give two independent volts readouts. This was done mainly for the 4x4 crowd who have really taken to these multi gauges, most 4x4 people will have auxiliary batteries in their vehicles where monitoring their voltage is important to them, so the second volts was added. The unit senses the first volts from the power being supplied to the control box, and the secondary volts has its own dedicated input on the control box itself. Both primary and secondary volts are able to have warnings set independently as well on the multi gauge display.
Now for our performance or track car customers who might think this feature won’t be of use to them, well we think it actually can and in a pretty cool way. Voltage drop to fuel pumps can’t be an issue in some applications, any drop in voltage to your fuel pump can lead to drops in flow and possible changes to fuel pressure. So in a performance or track car setup, you would run a line back from the power wire powering the fuel pump and you can closely monitor your fuel pumps supply voltage, and also setup a warning that will help you catch if there is any voltage drop happening at the pump.
Transmission Temperature Readout
The latest v2.6 JRP 14in1 gauges have a transmission temperature readout, this readout can be obtained a couple of ways. The first is if you don’t plan on using oil temperature, this input is interchangeable between oil or transmission temperature on the screen itself. And being the kits come with an oil temp sensor as standard, if you don’t plan on using oil temp, then you can simply swap the readout to transmission temp on the screen itself, and not have to buy another sensor.
The second option customers have is, if you do want to monitor oil temp as well as trans temp, our multi gauge control unit can connect a transmission temp sensor to the IAT port, this port can switch between IAT or transmission temp depending on the customer’s requirements. This does mean you won’t be able to monitor IAT anymore and will need to purchase a trans temp sensor as our base packs only come with 2x fluid temp sensors, but if it’s more important for you to monitor oil temp & transmission simultaneously, you have this option if you so wish.
On-Board Logging & Peak Values Display
This gauge also has a pretty handy on-board logging and peak values display. While the logging isn’t like that of an aftermarket ECU where you can download it and analyse on a PC, it’s still a pretty handy little system. You are able to record up to 3min of driving time, and all the values on each sensor in real-time, so that you can play back the 5min log on the gauge itself to analyse. We also find this system helpful when it comes to setting up certain functions on the gauge, for example the oil pressure warning. To properly setup the oil pressure warning, you need to see what your oil pressure is at a certain rpm normally to input a value for the warning that the gauge can use, this logging allows you to record and then replay a run so you can work out your warning values for things like oil pressure, fuel pressure, differential pressure. Each of these warning values will vary from motor to motor, so being able to log and playback can come in very handy to help decide on the appropriate values to use for the warnings.
The peak display is also another cool little feature, when in peak mode, you can have 5 readouts on the screen at once, and the unit will update each readout with the highest value it has recorded for that given sensor or input. All sensors and inputs are supported in this mode, so you can get peaks on your boost, oil & water temp, oil & fuel pressure, EGT, volts, RPM & speed. This is not limited to 5min like the logging function, you can happily leave the gauge in peak mode if you so wish and it will continue to update the peak values. Again this can also be a good way to determine appropriate values for some of your warning alarms, for things such as boost, oil & water temp, EGT, you can give the car a good hard drive and then establish the most practical values for those warnings. Note that the warning alarm system is also still active in this mode, so if you do go above an already set warning value, you will still be alerted by the gauge.
Sensor Calibration & Self Diagnosis System
Another feature of the gauge is that you can calibrate the boost, oil pressure and fuel pressure sensors. As sensors age, they can start to read slightly off, for example the boost sensor at atmospheric pressure the sensor is now showing 0.1psi or 0.2psi on the gauge when it should be reading 0.0psi. Some sensors when they come from the factory can be just slightly out, again example 0.1psi. What you can do with this gauge is calibrate to offset these slight variations. So if your sensor is reading 0.1psi on the gauge when it should be 0.0psi, then you can add a -0.1psi to the calibration to bring it back to a 0.0psi display on the gauge.
Another bonus of this system being digital is that this gauge has a built in error diagnosis. If any of your sensor cabling has shorted out for any reason, its display on the gauge will change to SHORT. Or if the sensor has become disconnected while driving, the screen will display OPEN on the sensors readout. This can be handy if a sensor stops working, you have a good idea why.
Programmable Shift Light Indicators
Another feature of this little gauge is it’s built in programmable shift lights with 8 LED’s, it has multiple colours that can be selected for the indicator lights, red, blue, green, white, yellow, cyan, purple, multi-colour and the new edition of race which is a combination of green, yellow and red. For the race selection, the first three lights will be green, next three yellow and the remaining two lights will be red.
The way the shift lights can be configured to illuminate throughout the rev range is fairly customisable. For example, you would first setup the rev limiter warning in the gauges warning setup, this dictates the end of the light sequence, so for this example let’s say its 7000rpm. Now the gauge then has four RPM step options for the LED’s which will dictate how wide the RPM scale of the lights are, these are 100rpm, 200rpm, 250rpm & 500rpm.
So for example, if you select 100rpm and have your tacho warning set at 7000rpm, the shift lights will start to come on at 6200rpm and finish at 7000rpm. Or if you selected say 250 RPM, the lights would start illuminating at 5000rpm and finish at 7000rpm.
This little system can be setup in a few ways and is a really decent little shift light system. You can also setup the tacho warning slightly below the actual rev limiter on the motor itself, what this will then do is when you exceed the RPM set in the warning setup, the gauge will also put out a loud warning beep on top of the shift lights finishing their range, so you will have a visual and audible indication you missed your shift point.
Petrol Air Fuel Ratio Lean Warning
One of the latest features added to these gauges is a wideband air fuel ratio lean out warning, for those customers that plan on using a wideband connected to these gauges, this is really a massive deal. The purpose of the wideband lean out warning is to let you know if your car starts to run air fuel ratios leaner than what is normal or the car was tuned for, this can be configured to meet requirements of both boosted and NA cars. Wideband gauges alone with this feature can set you back over $500AUD, when you either buy the Spartan 2 wideband we sell to use with these gauges, or use your existing wideband if it supports an analog out 0-5v 10-20 AFR, you can make use of this exciting and powerful new warning feature.
Let’s face it, while we all periodically stare at our various gauges from time to time when driving, some more than others, if your car suddenly goes from running its tuned 11.5 AFR to 14.5 AFR when running boost, it would not take long before some pretty catastrophic detonation could occur. This is not something you really want to leave up to human detection, the time frame where engine damage could occur from a situation like this is far too short. So having a wideband lean out warning such as this, could very well help you catch a situation within seconds where something went wrong with your fuel system and you suddenly started to run extremely dangerous air fuel ratios for your motor.
We have written a detailed blog post about this latest wideband air fuel ratio warning, how it works and explaining the settings used to set it up correctly, click here to take you to that page.
Diesel Air Fuel Ratio Rich Warning
Another new feature added to the 14in1 v2.6 is what’s called a Diesel AFR Rich warning. When a customer connects one of our Spartan 3D Diesel wideband kits to the system, this wideband kit adds an oxygen sensor into the exhaust and sends back via the Spartan 3D controller AFR readings to the gauge. We covered this just above with the Diesel wideband display support. Our older v2.5 models supported a Diesel wideband input, which really hasn’t been implemented by many other gauge systems on the market, let alone into an all-in-one system like ours.
So, on the latest v2.6 models, we wanted to add even further functionality around having the Diesel wideband support. And so, we are very proud to introduce with these v2.6 models, these are now equipped with a “Diesel Rich AFR” warning.
Diesels work the opposite way to Petrol engines, what can cause damage to a Diesel engine is too much fuel making it into the motor, and when this situation occurs, it’s called running Rich. If for whatever reason your Diesel engine starts running way more fuel into the engine than it should, this can lead to engine damage, everything from minor if caught in time, to a catastrophic failure of the engine if not caught, and we aren’t just talking about changing the oil, it can literally destroy the engine if this gets out of control.
We have some pretty serious Diesel customers with expensive engine builds that cost a fortune, and monitoring Air Fuel Ratios on a Diesel for these customers is a must, but we have taken it to another level allowing not only to monitor the air fuel ratios of the engine, but also to setup a warning system for their AFR’s that if their engines ever end up in the region that is potentially dangerous, the gauge will within seconds warn you of this situation. This feature and AFR monitoring isn’t just for the super expensive builds either, if your pride and joy isn’t just the run of the mill build, you have added another turbo, had some tuning done, it’s an extremely good insurance policy to have a Diesel wideband setup, and now even better that our systems will monitor what is a safe AFR to be running under full load, and what is not. Just another way JRP is looking out for our customers engines, to avoid costly and downright depressing failures of their engines.
A good example of this is, for example, you have a TD42 Patrol, it’s been tuned to run 21 AFR on full load, and this is a safe AFR to be running for that engine determined by your tuner, if the engine started for whatever reason having more fuel than air that’s expected and starts to run AFR’s of around 15 for example, you could find yourself very quickly with a situation where the engine could be damaged with destroyed rings, holes in pistons, really not good. With the 14in1 v2.6, and if you have connected and are running AFR monitoring with our Spartan 3D Diesel wideband, not only will this latest model allow you to see the AFR’s of your engine while driving, but the system will be monitoring in the background for any abnormal AFR readings under load which could lead to engine damage.
There are many different factors that could cause a Diesel engine to run rich, simple things such as a boost leak, or you pop the hose off from your intercooler, or an intercooler that is undersized. Any situation where the engine is getting more fuel than the air it’s expecting can lead to a rich condition. The only way to know your engine is running correctly & safely, or find a potential shortcoming of your build is, monitoring of AFR’s, EGT’s & Boost to make sure you never get caught out with a very expensive engine failure.
It’s just another innovation we here at JRP have implemented for our Diesel customers, we are always looking at making improvements on everything we do and are proud to have this Diesel Rich Warning system implemented into the latest v2.6 systems. If you have any questions about this new feature, feel free to reach out to our experienced auto techs here, they will be happy to assist you.